Electro galvanized iron wire is also called cold galvanized iron wire or simply called galvanized iron wire. Electro
Galvanized Iron Wire ranges from 8# to 36# , it is widely used by customers.
Materials and Processing:
This kind of galvanized wire is made of choice mild steel, through hard-drawn, then galvanized.
Electro galvanized iron wire enjoys the characteristics of smooth , bright surface, firmly zinc coating, evenly plated
appearance, rust-resistant and acid-resistance and versatile in applications.
Forms of Supply:
Electro galvanized iron wire can be supplied in the form of coil wire, spool wire or further processed into straightened cut
wire or U type wire.
This kind of product is widely used in making nail, construction, communication equipment, medical treatment instrument,
express way fencing, binding of flowers, brush , wire mesh weaving, wire redrawing, sieving mesh and craftwork
Hot Dipped Galvanized Iron Wire
Hot dipped galvanized iron wire is also called hot dip galvanized wire, hot dipped galvanized steel wire and hot
dipped galvanized wire.
Materials and Processing :
We use quality low carbon steel wire in producing of hot-dip galvanized wire, going through wire drawing, acid
washing, rust removing, annealing and coiling.
Hot-dip galvanized wire is extremely flexible and soft, extensively used in construction, handicrafts, woven wire
mesh, express way fencing mesh, packaging of products and other daily uses.
Besides Hot Dipped Galvanized Iron Wire is the good material for making galvanized barbed wire, heavy
galvanized chain link fence, gabions basket and welded mesh.
Forms of Supply:
Hot-dipped galvanized steel wire can be supplied in the form of coil wire, bobbins wire, spool wire, making of wire
mesh, cut wire or tie wire to satisfy our customers' specific requirements.